Discover Wimi
the sovereign and secure collaborative suite
via our Brochure (40 pages)
Features, Security, Environmental Impacts, our references...

Untitled design (3)



1. Discover Wimi
 ! (Pages 4-5)

Wimi is an award-winning collaborative suite (France 2030 and French Tech 2030) aiming for SecNumCloud 3.2 ANSSI certification in 2025. It positions itself as a secure alternative to North American solutions, offering advanced protection for sensitive data and projects through best practices in cybersecurity.

2. Wimi Features (Pages 6-26)

Wimi centralizes the tools necessary for team collaboration on a single platform. It includes workspaces, communication tools (chat, emails, video calls), document management, planning functionalities, and advanced security features (end-to-end encryption, MFA, digital watermarking).

3. Security at Wimi (Pages 26-34)

Achieving SecNumCloud 3.2 qualification by ANSSI in 2025 is a priority for Wimi, reflecting its commitment to security in the face of growing cyber threats.

4. Wimi and the Planet (Pages 34-40)

As part of reducing its carbon footprint and promoting energy sobriety, Wimi adopts environmentally friendly technologies.